Accident with Uninsured Driver in Kansas City

The State of Missouri requires drivers to carry insurance in case they are involved in a car crash. The insurance is intended to cover injuries and property damage the other party may experience. Owners need proof of insurance to renew plates and register their vehicles. Law enforcement also has the right to ask for proof of insurance at any time. This is true whether someone is involved in an accident or just stopped at a checkpoint.

uninsured driver in car accident

Despite the state’s insurance requirements, there are individuals who, for whatever reason, do not have auto insurance coverage. If you’re involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, things can become complicated.

What’s Required

Missouri requires all drivers to have coverage that includes:• $25,000 per person for bodily injury• $50,000 per accident for bodily injury• $25,000 per accident for propertyThis is known as 25/50/25 insurance. Additionally, Missouri requires uninsured motorist coverage that includes:• $25,000 for bodily injury per person• $50,000 for bodily injury per accidentAlternately, a driver can also have a certificate of self-insurance (usually for companies and religious organizations) or proof of financial responsibility to show your ability to cover any accidental damages. These must be filed with the Missouri Department of Revenue. Whichever form you choose, demonstrates that you can cover expenses in the event of an accident.

The Uninsured Driver

If a driver is asked for proof of insurance at any time and fails to produce it, an officer will issue a ticket. The lack of insurance is also reported to the Missouri Department of Revenue, and four points are levied against their drivers’ licenses. Their license may also be suspended.If you’ve been in an accident with an uninsured driver, you could sue the driver directly for your losses and injuries. Unfortunately, if the individual doesn’t have insurance, it’s also possible that they have no other assets available to cover the losses. Your car accident attorney will be able to help you determine if it’s a case worth pursuing.However, if the other driver didn’t own the vehicle, there may be other parties from whom you can pursue compensation. This can include an employer if the driver was on the job at the time of the accident. Or the vehicle’s registered owner if it was borrowed when the accident occurred.The flip side is that if the accident is the fault of the insured driver, it is possible that the uninsured driver could collect compensation, possibly from your own insurer.

What You Need To Do

Of course, your priority is to take care of yourself. Seek medical care immediately following the accident, and make sure to follow your doctor’s treatment plan. Use your cell phone to take pictures of everything you can before you leave the scene of the accident or have someone take them for you.You will then need to file and get reimbursed by your own insurance company under your uninsured motorist insurance coverage. This will cover your car repairs as well as medical expenses, up to the limits of the policy. You will still need to prove that the other driver was liable for the accident.But insurance companies have a habit of either denying a claim and refusing to pay or offering policyholders a small, insignificant settlement that doesn’t cover their losses. That’s why we suggest speaking with a Kansas City car accident attorney to avoid these scenarios.You do have options available, even with an uninsured driver who is at fault. It’s possible that the court can place a lien on any assets the other driver has. The court may also order the driver to make payments to you until the judgment is satisfied. Speak with a Kansas City car accident attorney before speaking to anyone, or considering or accepting any settlement offers.

Kansas City Car Accident Attorney

Since 1918, The Popham Law Firm has helped hundreds of people in many accident types, from simple fender benders to accidents involving injuries and property damage. We'll be happy to review your case and let you know if you have one and how to proceed. Contact us at (844) 243-2288 or use our online contact form to get started.

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