Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Statistics

Walking is enjoyable for both exercise and for getting around. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most dangerous in our area. Kansas City continues to lose pedestrians to traffic accidents. Recently a man was crossing northbound Interstate 29 near Barry Road and was struck by a driver who did not see him.

This area has been problematic, prompting police to increase their presence and enforcement due to the high number of crashes and fatalities. There were 263 crashes in this same area from March 2017 through March 2018, making it highest crash location in the Kansas City Police Department North Patrol Division.

The Latest Numbers

A full 9% of all car accident fatalities in Kansas City are pedestrians, and 40% of all traffic fatalities are non-drivers.

Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Statistics

Kansas City pedestrian accidents increased in 2018 to 360, with 22 fatalities. That’s just about a crash every day where a pedestrian is hurt or killed, and an increase from 2017’s numbers. Four of those pedestrians were killed in August of 2018, making it the deadliest month of the year.

Why They Happen

Most people assume that if a pedestrian is hit by a car, the driver is automatically at fault, but that’s not always true. Pedestrian accidents happen for many reasons, including:

  • Speeding
  • Distractions like texting, both drivers and pedestrians
  • Drug and/or alcohol use, both drivers and pedestrians
  • Pedestrians crossing at unmarked intersections or in the middle of a street
  • Pedestrians darting out into traffic
  • Aggressive drivers who ignore traffic signs and signals
  • Hybrid cars with quiet motors that pedestrians don’t hear coming
  • Walking at night wearing dark clothing and no reflective gear

Both drivers and pedestrians have a responsibility to pay attention and act responsibly.

Pedestrian Advocacy

According to BikeWalkKC, an advocacy group that promotes better urban design for non-vehicular residents, Kansas City is #33 out of 51 of the most populous cities in the US where people walk to work. Making the city’s streets safer for non-vehicular residents, including pedestrians is one of the group’s most important tenets.

Their Landscape Report details lack of infrastructure funding for pedestrians and bicyclists in the region, as well as the lack of support from state and other representatives.

They also issued a report detailing how pedestrians are also subjected to harassment on the street by drivers.

BikeWalkKC was also instrumental in bringing the Complete Streets Ordinance into Kansas City’s code of ordinances to help make the streets safer for everyone.

Pedestrian Accident Attorneys In KC

Since 1918, The Popham Law Firm has been representing people just like you in all types of personal injury cases, including pedestrian accidents . We’ll be happy to review your case, let you know if you have one, and how to proceed. Call us at (844) 243-2288, or use our online contact form to get started.

Get the settlement you need—and the recognition you deserve.