Finding An 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer In Kansas City

Accidents with big trucks increased nine percent from 2016 to 2017, according to a newly released report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. A total of 4,761 people died in crashes that involved trucks of 10,000 pounds or more in 2017.

Trying to avoid an accident and needing an 18-wheeler accident lawyer in Kansas City, MO while driving on rainy roads.

Safety features like automatic braking will become standard on new vehicles starting in 2022. Although the National Transportation Safety Board has pushed for automatic braking systems and other safety equipment on big trucks, the NHTSA has completely ignored those requests. Automatic braking on big trucks is strictly optional, and not required.After such a traumatic crash, it’s important to find a lawyer who can not only represent you in your accident case, but understand how big truck accidents differ from a car accident. It’s also important to find one as quickly as possible.

How They Happen

There are many causes of big truck accidents:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Driver inebriation (DWI)
  • Speeding
  • Driver who lacks training and/or experience
  • Unreasonable scheduling
  • Improper driving for the road conditions
  • Improperly loaded freight
  • Improperly maintained equipment (i.e., poor maintenance)
  • Defective roadways

As you can see, there may be a number of parties involved in your accident, not just the driver. If the driver is an owner-operator working as an independent contractor for the trucking company, that makes filing a claim more complicated. If a defective road is to blame, both you and the trucking company may be filing a claim against the government entity that is responsible for the road hazard or condition that caused the accident.

Why You Need A Lawyer For A KC 18-Wheeler Accident

From the moment a driver makes an accident report, trucking companies begin working quickly to protect their interests. These companies employ their own legal counsel to protect both the driver and the company from liability and avoid paying any kind of a settlement. This includes covering up or eliminating any available evidence that could prove your case and implicate them. That’s why your attorney must work quickly to gather as much evidence as he or she can find, as well as work with experts for accident reconstruction when necessary.Another reason to find a big truck accident attorney: the trucking company’s insurance company may call you soon after the accident to settle. Don’t get talked into signing anything—you’ll sign away your rights for a small settlement that won’t cover all of your medical bills and expenses. The right lawyer will work with you and negotiate a much better settlement for you—or go to court, if necessary, to get it.

The Right 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer For Your Accident

When speaking with a lawyer, you’ll need to ask pointed questions about his or her experience as an 18-wheeler accident lawyer. Find out how many of these crashes they’ve handled. How long have they been representing truck accident victims? Are they familiar with things like electronic logging and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations?You need a lawyer who is familiar with the multiple parties involved in a big truck accident understands what it takes to find the party responsible for your accident and your injuries.

KC’s Truck Accident Attorney

An 18-wheeler collision is very different than a car accident. Because these accidents are more complex, you need an attorney with experience handling big truck accidents.The Popham Law Firm understands how difficult a big truck accident can be. We work hard to protect your rights and defend you against insurance companies who want to deny you the help and compensation you need. Call us today at (304) 344 5683, or use our online contact form for an appointment.Your consultation is free. Our contingency fee arrangement means that we only collect after we win your case and get you the best settlement we can. Call us today.

Get the settlement you need—and the recognition you deserve.